Wednesday, November 9, 2011

a great week...

Remember this eye sore?

well, it is no more!!

 our horses are getting bigger and fuzzier!

 Painting the floor of the mudroom and putting up the bench.
So, I have been taking pictures on my new phone of all of the projects we have gotten done over this week,  I just sat down to blog about it, and I realized that the cord that came with my phone, doesn't work with my computer.  So,...hopefully I will figure that out soon, for now there are a few pictures to keep things interesting.  But, we made some great progress this week, including my mud room is done, my island has laminate, they replaced all but one of the windows we were replacing, finally got our dining room table put up and ate sitting down as a family for the first time in weeks!  Closets are starting to take shape, we fixed the siding on the house,  Ryan got more of the trim up and I 'frosted' the glass on the bathroom door{Yay for some privacy}...still no doorhandles on yet though, I am sure that will be done soon.  Getting back into a good school routine and settling in.  I took a break last night and watched a movie with the kids, feels like life is getting back to 'normal!'   So incredibly thankful for a nice warm house with all this windy rainy weather!