Friday, March 11, 2011

Our scavenger hunt...

 Here is the list of things we were to find.  
1.        A picture of the place with the most grass you’ve seen in one spot.
We thought the park had the most grass, however upon closer inspection we weren't sure that it would be considered grass...
It's pretty much weeds!
We did find this patch of real grass, but it is a rarity here!

2.       A picture of Luisa in front of a sign you CAN’T read.

3.       A picture of a barbershop or beauty salon.
There are tons of beauty salons here.  We found at least 1 or 2 on each block.  NO KIDDING!

4.       A picture of an animal.
This cat roams on the rooftops of the buildings across from our apartment.
These little dove-like birds are everywhere!

5.       A picture of the bumpiest part of your walk to the store.
When we read this we knew what part we needed a picture of, however, all of the sidewalks here are terrible!  And most people do not get out of the way for a stroller!  Needless to say walking is difficult here.  Poor Luisa has learned to hang on for dear life, and has had many abrupt stops!  We make sure she is strapped in else we would definitely loose her!

6.       A picture of your mom ordering a cup of coffee.
bad picture, but you get the idea!  Juan Valdez is my friend!

7.       A picture of your favorite new food in Colombia.
We are not sure it is our favorite, but the empanadas are good!  This was taken just moments before we got the call!  And I cheated and took this picture. {The rule was the boys had to take the pictures. oops!}
We all agree the fruit is the best!

8.       A picture of the oldest building you can find.
This is a huge catholic church, it spans a city block.  Patricia says it is "very old!"

9.       A picture of you both doing handstands.
cheaters!  They can't do it without the wall!

10.    A picture of the ugliest piece of art you can find.
they knew this was it!

11.   A set of pictures taken from one spot to show 180 degrees around you in the most interesting part of your area.
Okay so it's not 180, the other side is a food court with people so we didn't want to take the picture, and I took these, but I love the view!
Jayden took these at the park...

12.    A picture of a police car or person.
Okay, so it's not a car or a person, but it is a police motorcycle, which is way cooler anyway right?  Like how he is parked in the no parking zone?  We see police trucks, vans and cycles, but, we don't think we have seen any cars!  Weird.

13.    A picture of a place to buy a souvenir.
They set up their goods on the sidewalk, we have bought a few souvenirs here.

14.     A picture of the NICEST building you’ve seen.
We love this building, it is around the corner from our apartment, the lady who owns our apartment also owns one in here and it was rented out just days before we rented ours else we could have gotten to stay there!  Bummer!

15.     A picture of the biggest leaf you can find.  And what kind of tree do you think it is?
 These are the biggest leaves we have ever seen, and we found out they are plantain trees.
Wikipedia says: Plantain leaves can exceed two meters in length.  So there you have it!
We hope you enjoyed our scavenger hunt pictures, we had so much fun doing this project!  Thanks again Mike and Lee for putting it together for us!