Wednesday, March 2, 2011

school work...

We finally got a bit of school work done today and it felt good, hopefully we can get into a little routine of this and they won't be too far behind.  We didn't plan on them staying so we only have their reading books and we did our math online like usual.  I then had them write something about our trip.  It was so cute to hear what they picked to write about today. 

Spencer thinking with his VZ tongue sticking out!

They did have plenty of time to play, Lucy was crawling under the bed and they decided to join her!

Lunch was crackers, turkey and yucky white cheese and you guessed it...pineapple!

Jayden working hard on his paper, he wrote about his paragliding experience.

 This is the view from our apartment.  In the picture below you can see a man (in blue) laying on cardboard, the boys were very sad that he spent the night there.  They wanted to go buy him some bread, but when we went out to get some, he was no longer there.  And we haven't seen him since.

Playing skip-bo

We went for a walk today to the coffee shop, bread store and the park.  Then Patricia came over and we talked for a while.  She said the lawyer talked to the judge and everything was going perfectly!  What ever that means, I'm glad for good news as opposed to bad!
For some reason they put cheese in hot chocolate here.  So the boys got 2 chunks of cheese, marshmallows and a little bread roll with cheese in it along with their hot chocolate!  Here they are dipping their cheese in chocolate, I couldn't convince them to put it in and let it melt.  {I don't blame them!} 
At the coffee shop, I got the boys hot chocolate, I had cafe con leche, which is just coffee with milk, but the milk is frothy and it is so good{once I add 2 packs of brown sugar!} and we shared a desert!  I saw this cheesecake with Oreo's on top, but wasn't sure how to order it, so I went over and showed the lady what I wanted and she said..."Cheesecake con Oreo"  Um, yes, I could have just said that I guess?!?   I don't know if she spoke English or if cheesecake is cheesecake in Spanish!!!  Either way, it was so good!  We are missing our sweets.  I looked for the stuff to make chocolate chip cookies, but to no avail.  Besides, we have no measuring cups or spoons so everything is by guess and by golly!!

Playing at the park across the street from our apartment

The boys outside of our apartment, we are on the same floor, same room number as the other apartment!  Weird.

Playing more skip-bo!
We watched a movie (in Spanish) tonight and Luisa fell asleep on top of me, and now I am very tired as well!  
So, Buenas noches!


Anonymous said...

AWWW she is too cute just adorable she really loves her mommy!!!!!!