Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fun in the sun and in the rain...

Fun in the sprinklers...

And fun washing the dog...They were just about done cleaning Max up when...
He rolled! Yep, he was about as dirty when they were done as when they started! But they had fun!

To try to fill their time I printed out a outdoor nature scavenger hunt and sent them out. I grabbed my book and hoped for about a half hour of quiet, but they were back in about 10 minutes with all 20 items! Oh man, next time I will have to find a longer list!!

Later that night the kids decided to make forts to sleep in! Easton went back to his own bed about halfway through the night(smart kid!)
Today it was raining! I got the kids lunch ready and I went in the other room for a minute, when I came out, they were gone! (except for Anaya, she was still in her seat.) I looked and found them outside on the porch! They decided it was a great day for a picnic! A picnic in the rain...crazy kids!


Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

Boys...aren't they the greatest?!?!

My guys love to hang out in the rain, too- I suppose it is calming. But then again, there's always mud afterward, too. Then it's not so much fun for Mom, ha!!

Brian and Jenifer said...

Your boys are so much fun! I love their creativity! Sounds like you are having a fun summer... Let's plan to get together once things slow down a bit!

Love, Jenifer