A trip to the new skate park in town...
fishing(of course)...
playing in the sand...
playing in the water...
and just hanging out with the family! That is our favorite thing to do, we love spending time with each other!! Jayden just left for his first time ever away at camp, and we are all pretty sad to see him go! He will only be gone till Wed. but we miss him already! He is going to Cowpokes camp at Grace Adventures(which is less than 1 mile from our house)and he is excited to ride the horses and spend time at the barn with the animals, but, he is nervous, he doesn't know anyone there~that we are aware of!! So if you could pray for Jayden to be brave and have fun, I would appreciate it!!! I made Ryan drop him off, I knew if he cried....I'd just take him right back home with me!! We think it will be a good experience for him, but boy is that hard!
playing in the water...
and just hanging out with the family! That is our favorite thing to do, we love spending time with each other!! Jayden just left for his first time ever away at camp, and we are all pretty sad to see him go! He will only be gone till Wed. but we miss him already! He is going to Cowpokes camp at Grace Adventures(which is less than 1 mile from our house)and he is excited to ride the horses and spend time at the barn with the animals, but, he is nervous, he doesn't know anyone there~that we are aware of!! So if you could pray for Jayden to be brave and have fun, I would appreciate it!!! I made Ryan drop him off, I knew if he cried....I'd just take him right back home with me!! We think it will be a good experience for him, but boy is that hard!
Anaya was not too sure about going into the lake! You can always tell when Anaya is nervous, she starts tapping her lip! I love that she still does this, when we were in Guatemala, she sucked her thumb and tapped her lip. Now she only taps her lip, and I think it is so cute! Sometimes I find myself doing it when I am thinking about something or get nervous!!
My parents came up this weekend to take Easton and Anaya on their date! My Mom has been taking the grandkids out on "dates" for many years now, they get to start in on the date rotation at the age of 2! Sometimes they get to chose a cousin and do a "double date!" They go out to breakfast, go shopping for some little toy or fun craft to do and then go bowling, or to Craig's Cruisers or the movies, or just take a bike ride or go to the park together then they go back to Grama's house and hang out till Grampa gets home, have dinner with him and call it a day around bedtime!! Since we moved, it can get harder to get the kids and days together, but they still fit them in. This time, they came up here and took them to a movie and out to lunch and they spent the night up here with us! They had too much fun, Anaya cried when they left. The kids always know whose turn it is and who is next...they keep close track, it is so cute! Mom says she needs a day to recuperate after the date day because she usually spends so much time laughing, it gets exhausting! Then at Christmas she gives each kid a book with pictures and highlights of their dates for the year!!! Great memories! Thanks Mom and Dad!
Abigail is at cowpokes this week, too. I am sure they are having so much fun. See you at the shodeo.
Special Grandparents, thanks for sharing that tradition Stacy.
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