Anaya before she found the water...
We had a little bit more of a relaxing week this week! We went to the beach on Tuesday night, and had a great time. The boys have found their favorite beach already! This beach has a stream going into Lake Michigan, and they like to race sticks from there to the big lake. Anaya is scared of the big lake, where the waves come toward her, however she loves the still water. She crawls right in and will stick her face into the water. She will also eat sand! Yuck, she licks it by the fist full! She also loves to splash the water. Here is a video of her eating sand!!
Then today the boys and I were going to go pick blueberries with some friends, however when we got there the sign said they were closed for today! So we went to the beach with them instead. Fun stuff.
Tonight we are winding down from a fun night with the youth group doing the Amazing Race! Ryan has seen midnight more since becoming a youth pastor, than in his entire lifetime!
We are headed to Holland this weekend, and are bringing back 2 of my nieces and 1 nephew to stay for a few days, the boys are so excited~it will be a house full of kids~but we will have fun spending time with the cousins. They miss each other so much since we moved!
I can't believe that it was just over 3 months ago that we were able to have Anaya in our arms again ~ and not have to give her back! It seems like she has been with us forever! Amazing how the pain and struggle has faded, everyone said it would, just like childbirth!! I keep thinking that the fun and newness of her will wear off to the boys, but just the other day Dylan said, "I'm so glad we adopted Anaya, she is sooo cute!" And they still want to feed her and hold her, I love that they love her too!!
Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers(& sister)live together in unity!
I love summer too. Looks like a wonderful time was had.
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