Monday, August 15, 2011

house update...

closets framed in...
My big project was this floor.  It had several layers of linoleum that were put down with tar like gunk that had to come off!
I had several devoted friends that came out to help me with this nasty job!  We tried my iron, which worked well...
but we found that the wall paper steamer and the heat gun were our best tools for the job!
It was a long and messy process, but, I kept telling myself and those that helped me, that it would be worth it!
Lots of pipes and duct work were brought in and placed throughout the house.
Lots of electrical work went on...

my dad fixed and replaced some of the porch floor boards...
Lucy "helped!"
Cottage Renovators, our wonderful contractor!
So thankful for these guys and a few more that help with entertaining our kids!

The mess that was my floor this morning...
and now, after all of our efforts, this is what we have, beautiful hardwood floors that are ready to be sanded and stained!

So thankful for everyone who has helped us, from food to child care to long hard hours of work, we appreciate you all!


MBush said...

Holy Cow!!! You guys got a TON of work done since Friday! Amazing! It was great to see you.

MamaTod said...

I think this is the 21st Century version of a Barn Raising, sort of. :)

Anonymous said...

your house is going to be so amazing i will be out to help on thursday