We are going to have to do some readjusting when we get home!! They love to playing games on the computer. It is a nice way to pass time, they are pretty involved, as you can tell! They are doing math, and other learning activities, however it will NOT continue once we return home, but for now, they are enjoying it! Anaya, brushing her teeth!! She gets the funniest look on her face when I do it, and then I let her chew on it for a while, and she loves it!!
Anaya crawling on all fours! She used to do this weird army crawl, and she is getting so amazingly fast on all fours, I can't believe the progress she has made over the last few weeks!
Sorry this video is not that great! But it finally worked to upload one, I may have to try to do some of the older ones I made!
Of course, Easton has to get in on the action! He is so funny, every time we do patty cake, or peek a boo, he has to show us that he can do it too!!
We are missing our daily walks, we may have to venture out to McDonalds soon!! Tomorrow is a holiday, so we are hoping that by Tues. our DNA will be at the lab. I will try to get some info on that in a couple days!
I started thinking of the strange things that I noticed here in Guatemala last night, when Dylan was up puking!! (not sure what his deal was, but he was fine after about 2 hours!) Anyway, I was up around 3 am, and was still hearing fireworks, or dynamite or some loud banging going on! I don't know what it is about fireworks, and dynamite, but they set them off at all hours of the day and night! I can't figure that out! I also don't know why all of the stores store milk(different kind than at home), margarine, and eggs on the shelf~not refrigerated! Sometimes you can buy a big box of Corn Flakes, with milk taped to it!! So weird! I used to freak out if the eggs were left out too long, and Ryan always said, "they are fine!" Well, I guess they are! Also, we see armed guards everywhere, several at every bank, jewelery store, museum, and even Coke trucks! What in the world? We saw an armed guard on top of a Coke delivery truck! Crazy sights like 3 or more people on a bicycle, whole entire families on a moped, and the ladies always sit side saddle! I do not know how they stay on, the cobble stone streets are so bumpy, and they drive by and smile at us, like we are the sight to behold!! I love Guatemala!
We hope you enjoy the holiday!
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