Anaya, giving grama a shower! She is such a little sprinkler, I don't know how to explain what she does, but she does it a lot! She sure is a silly little girl!(with silly hair today too!) Silly, and happy!
One more picture of all of the kids hanging with grampa and grama, before they have to leave!!
Wow, is it ever hard to have to say good bye! We all were crying when grampa and grama had to leave! I was able to pull myself together, partly because Ryan is coming, and partly because I had prayed for the strength! I knew the boys would be upset, especially since they have no idea that Ryan is coming, usually when someone leaves, someone else is on their heels coming in!
They are starting to get homesick, and I feel so bad! I know that they are having a good time, and for the majority of the time, they are great, but we mentioned camping this morning, and that we weren't going over Memorial day weekend, and Dylan was very upset! Then that makes me sad, did we do the right thing? is this too much for them? I think that once we have the DNA done, and can start to see the end in sight, they will be better, but the unknown is hard!
Dylan misses home, and friends(he is going to camp in June with his friend, and can't wait!) Jayden misses his animals, although there are a plethora of dogs right here in our condo complex! I found one in the house the other day!! There are no screens on the doors, just bars, and this skinny dog can fit right in, if the wooden door is open! Spencer, he just misses Daddy! They all do, so this will be a great week~until Saturday!! That will not be fun! Especially since we are trying to get a ticket home for Easton! He has been fine, it would just be a little easier to get out and about! But, boy would I miss him! He is so funny! He likes to give me a play by play of what "Naya" is doing! It actually can be quite helpful! "Look Naya do mom...." and usually she IS getting into something she shouldn't!
Well, after grampa and grama left, we had a rather uneventful day, a little school, picking up, swimming (for the boys) and then it rained for a while! The lights blinked on and off a few times, and that was it! We did get to talk via Skype to a few members of Ryans extended family, who were having a get together! That was fun ~ Thanks guys for including us, it was great to see you all again! Easton and Anaya watching it rain!
Well, tomorrow will be fun, and I am hoping to hear good news of our progress, I will keep you posted! Thanks for praying!
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1 year ago
Oh Stacy, we picked our girls up from HH the same day, only our homes now are different. God is using this experience in ways you can see now and in ways you have not seen yet, but it is good. My heart is so with you. I know you are so very ready for this journey to end and the next one to begin. You are covered in prayer and love. We too are campers! We must plan a camp trip together! I am surprised to meet another girlie girl who camps. No one ever believes I am a camper. I dont worry about make up, just need to be able to shower and blow dry my hair, but I still wear my PINK!!! Praying for you and seeing ORANGE!!! God Bless you during this wait for His perfect time, Susie
Hi sweet friend. We talked to Ryan yesterday and sent lots of love to you and your gang. I can't wait to see pictures of you ALL together tomorrow. :) We are still praying you home everyday.
Now, again, with renewed fervor. We love ALL of you.
This is not the time to question whether you did what was right. You did what was right and you're waiting. Romans 5:1-5 came to mind and hearing Ken Rudolph expound on the hope we have. Stacy you have perseverd as well as Ryan and the boys. Your character has been proven to be steadfast in Christ. Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured (not sprinkled) out in our (your)hearts... We are hopeful - with great anticipation of a favorable outcome, to see you all soon. You may not doubt girl friend!
Arend asks about Dylan a lot, I need to get him on today. He's been pitching about every other game! Little League is incredibly busy - enjoy your quiet moments.
Please pass our love on to all, it was good to see Steph, I miss you much my friend.
I think we're due for some homemade pizza!
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